Yeah you heard me right. After extensive research which costs me my valuable time of mere few
seconds hours, I finally discovered the secret to gaining more visitors to your blog. The secret to gaining more visitors is to, wait for it......
getting naked and posting it on your blog! getting featured on
Kenny Sia's blog!
Yes, I know you're gonna say that you know it already and bla bla bla bla bla. But seriously, how are you gonna get him to feature you onto his blog? Would you beg him like this?
Awwwww so cute...Fat chance, especially when you're a guy. So really, how? Unless you're close to him you may be able to get his attention but hey if you're not, I may have some answers as to how in which it might or might not work but hey, no harm trying right... So I've devise
5 basic tryouts for you people to try and get his attention in which none of them are ranked and are based randomly.
1. Keep writing his name on your blog like you're whacked over him!Hey, I'm serious! Just keep writing about him, how you drool over him and his gorgeous ermmm let's not go there ok. Or maybe you could try this:
"Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia, Kenny Sia"
And hey if you really felt that it was too gay, maybe you could change the name to:
"Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan, Nicole Tan"
*Sorry Nicole, ter-use your name hehe*
If that fails, try method number 2
2. Funny PicturesYou know Kenny loves to make funny pictures right? Get his attention by doing it too!
Try doing it
Like this?
Or maybe like this.....Ok, this certainly does not work for me and it does make even me feel sick looking at myself doing that so let's just skip this k?
3. Propose to go on a holiday with himErmmmm it would sound good if you were a girl but if it's a guy then I have nothing to say. But no harm trying right? Come on, nothing wrong with holiday-ing with another guy. Hitting the oceans, surfing, climbing up mountains, visiting
men with boobies the local folk, cam-whoring, enjoying the views.
You can go to Thailand with him
And check these out with him or provide your ownBut hey these are just a few of my suggestions so if you have any other ideas, by all means propose it to him and if you want to go on holidays with me, let's just say that I roll straight and do not party on the other side
*wink*wink*Still cannot? Try number 4 lor...
4. Just get to know the buggerLol, I didn't mean that. Honest, I swear I did not say bugger. I said fella! Ok that does not work online but hey nothing wrong meeting with him and having a nice conversation about his adventures, his ideas and thoughts, his life. Come on, he's one of the speaker for the Youth Entrepreneur Convention 08 so I bet he's bound to have great thoughts or at least I do hope so.
I look like shit in this picture...But hey, the fella is extremely nice and I only met him once at the Nuffnang Traffic Jam thingy and I could really tell that he's a really nice fella and his blog really does
spank speak his mind.
*Or if you want to, you can give him a piece of your mind instead =p*Last resort, number 5....
5. Spam his comments, spam his Cbox, spam his email, just spam him!Ok this is a last resort for people who are seriously so desperate, they would kill to be reviewed by Kenny. So really if you aren't desperate, I wouldn't really recommend this. If you are, I wouldn't recommend this too unless you really wanna be branded as a '
Despo Freak Of Nature' which I'm sure none of you would love it anymore than I wouldn't.
Ok done! Try these methods and see if they work. If they don't, please do not complain to me as I really really REALLY wrote this post at 3.30am and I can't sleep so heck I just needed something to keep me busy before I bust my head on the wall!
And hey, if it does don't forget to thank me. And maybe next time, we'll go to Japan together to go visit
the Host Clubs Disneyland for I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
*Pardon me for I feel crabby instead*