Best pickup line in the world - 'Daddy's Home....'
Don't worry, cause I was just kidding. Now the best pickup line in the world would involve 2-3 actors dressed as an ambulance driver and attendee, the main guy, and an awesome acting skill by the man himself and of course the lady target!
Still clueless?
It's ok! I'm bored as hell and I just felt like writing that! But if you really wanna know why it's the best, wait till you're 30, hold a mini birthday party in a bar and I'll show you *wink*

Collected my tickets for the Colbie Caillat concert just this afternoon. And when I passed by The Curve this afternoon on the way back, there was this inner calling to stop there, get down, and buy some cupcakes for myself but in the end I had to resist! Heck, it's fattening ok and I'm trying 'extremely' hard to lose some weight here.
But still, I freaking wanna eat some cupcakes! After reading Aronil's post on her cupcakes, it somehow increased mydesire's cravings for cupcakes and I hate you for it hmph!
Not gonna treat me to some? LOL
Don't worry, cause I was just kidding. Now the best pickup line in the world would involve 2-3 actors dressed as an ambulance driver and attendee, the main guy, and an awesome acting skill by the man himself and of course the lady target!
Still clueless?
It's ok! I'm bored as hell and I just felt like writing that! But if you really wanna know why it's the best, wait till you're 30, hold a mini birthday party in a bar and I'll show you *wink*

Collected my tickets for the Colbie Caillat concert just this afternoon. And when I passed by The Curve this afternoon on the way back, there was this inner calling to stop there, get down, and buy some cupcakes for myself but in the end I had to resist! Heck, it's fattening ok and I'm trying 'extremely' hard to lose some weight here.
But still, I freaking wanna eat some cupcakes! After reading Aronil's post on her cupcakes, it somehow increased my
Not gonna treat me to some? LOL
i don't want to say it but... Bwhahahahahhahahaahhaahahhh :) Btw i bought another two again.. and i kow terrible la.. my whole gym session yesterday gone to crap.. sigh..
aronil - you are eeevvvvviiiillllllll... I wonder if we can entice pamsong into joining our legion of cupcakes or not hahhaahah!
Near my college got Wondermilk!
david: heheehhee maybe so hahahaha we shall then be deemed the Holy Cuppycakies :P Come we got hunt for cupcakes soon hehhe
Ching: wondermik? wha'ts that? its that another cupcake store?
The first part sound so M18!
Cupcakes cupcakes. Luckily no cupcakes here in aus. Even if there is, I can't be tempted that easily.
Time to go grab some doughnuts.
chingy - Noooooo....
aronil - lol yeah yeah....
evolna - *whistles* I dunno anything, I'm innocent haha..
3point8 - ahahaha, the wave will soon hit aussie, so better get ready =D
Good for people to know.