I'm seriously wondering why but I got referrals from Apple's homepage wtf?
It's either I seriously missed something or wtf I'm clueless. And mind you it isn't just one referral but multiples one. Damn wtf is going on, I wanna know can?
It's Sunday again and so it's photo showcase day again yay!
I was in KLCC for the Sony Alpha Beginners Photography class today and these are the results of pictures I've taken from the class. So let's not bore you with more words and let you have fun with these pictures ok?
Nice? hehe...
It's either I seriously missed something or wtf I'm clueless. And mind you it isn't just one referral but multiples one. Damn wtf is going on, I wanna know can?
It's Sunday again and so it's photo showcase day again yay!
I was in KLCC for the Sony Alpha Beginners Photography class today and these are the results of pictures I've taken from the class. So let's not bore you with more words and let you have fun with these pictures ok?
Nice? hehe...
wahhhh dark city <3
you can create a silhouette shot from dark city photo just by adjusting the WB. huhu.. i think it would give much more impact.
nway, nice shots!
nikkiko - lol seems like everybody loves dark city haha!
izzat - cool thanks for the tip :)
not a usual sight haha.
nikkiko - lol yup :)
So nice. I like the last picture. =))
juljul - thanks :)
I like Dark City too. :D
albert - hey there hehe! thanks, I'll see you at amc forum tonight haha =p